Eat And Lose Weight

There are three crucial parts to any successful weight loss program.

The first is to make up your mind. If you do not know where you are going, how are you going to get there?

The second is to change the way that you eat. Dieting does not work. Dieting produces a yo-yo effect where you are in a constant process of losing and gaining back the weight.

Getting fat does not happen in a vacuum. You have those pounds because of the way that you live, primarily by eating the wrong foods.

It is important to educate yourself about the proper way to eat. After that, it is a matter of reorienting yourself to a new lifestyle.

The third ingredient in a successful weight loss program is to exercise. Exercise accomplishes several things. The most obvious one is that exercise burns calories. This however, is not the most important benefit. Exercise gives you energy. If helps to focus your mind. Exercise gives you confidence and improves your outlook. In short, exercise is the fuel that enables you to accomplish your goal.

There is a little known secret about losing weight and regaining your health. There is a very little known secret about dieting;

you can eat as much as you want. There are however two caveats.

The first secret is that it is important to eat foods

that are appropriate for human consumption. Humans have foods that are strictly designed for them. If you don’t believe me, let’s take a moment to stop and think about this.

Every animal in nature has its own particular diet. When you stop and think about it, these animals live in harmony with nature. As a result, animals in nature do not get degenerative diseases. They do not experience heart problems. Here is an amazing fact; animals in their natural habitat do not suffer from cancer. Basically, as long as they can find their source of food, they pretty much live disease free.

When animals come under our influence they acquire the same diseases that we do. Our pets suffer from the same maladies that we do.

The reason is simple. We feed them processed and enriched food. When we feed them diets that contain chemicals and vitamins and preservatives and by products, they become sick. Just like us.

So what is the appropriate diet for humans. Simple. Whole grains, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and fruit.

If your diet consists mainly of food from these groups, two things will occur.

The first is that you will lose weight.

The second is that your health will improve.

The other caveat is that you chew your food extremely well. Chewing well enables your food to be predigested in your mouth. This in turn takes a burden off your stomach and intestines.

You will be able to absorb the nutrition from your food better. Also, you will be satisfied much sooner.

There you have it. Eat foods that are appropriate for our consumption and chew your food well. Keeping this in mind, it is possible to eat as much as you want, improve your health and to lose weight

Is Paleo diet a meat diet?

The paleo diet is a regime that helps us eat the freshest, healthiest and nutrient-filled food there is. The paleo diet is based on a balanced diet. The typical Paleo recipes includes

meat of grass-fed cows,
Poultry, seafood, and meat,
Fresh and organic vegetables and fruits of all colors,
Complex carbohydrates coming from tubers and fruits such as sweet potato (potato / sweet potato), potato and banana
Healthy fats such as coconut oil, avocado, olive oil and animal fat.
Based not only on what our ancestors ate that suffered from fewer chronic diseases than we, despite having no access to modern medicine,

Many people see the list of foods removed from the paleo diet and remove them from the diet without adding new things. When they remove processed foods and cereals from their diets, often only meat, eggs, and bacon remain. But just as important as eliminated foods (processed foods, sugar, cereals and in some cases dairy and vegetables) are the foods we add to our diets.

A typical paleo diet recipes is half veggies (carrot, broccoli, zucchini, and spinach) and a quarter of protein (often meat or seafood) and a quarter of carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes. A “paleo recipes” diet can be balanced or not, depending on what you put on your plate – just like any other diet. It is essential to note that every person has different body needs.

In the paleo recipes diet, there is also an emphasis on the quality of the food consumed – we try to avoid genetically modified organisms, eat organic vegetables when possible and meat/poultry/seafood that was fed properly, without hormones or inadequate food for their species. We try to eat “all the animal products” because we know that there are essential nutrients and amino acids in the parts of the animal that we cannot find in the most common cuts. Eating “booze” such as liver, paws, cola, bone broth, and any other part of the animal helps to maintain a balanced diet.

The paleo diet recipes does not restrict the consumption of fat or cholesterol. Contrary to what we have been taught, fat does not make us fat (consumed in moderation). Fat is essential to assimilate some vitamins (A, D, E, and K) that are necessary for the functioning of our body. Without fat, those vitamins cannot enter our body to do their job. Every cell in our body needs fat to function.

An old article in Time Magazine admits that consumption of saturated fat has no proven link to increased risk of heart problems, and high consumption of sugar and carbohydrates did. In fact, our use of cholesterol in food has nominal influence on the level of cholesterol in our blood. There is no reason to be afraid of eating fat. A paleo diet recipes with enough protein and fat often helps people to lose weight because they are foods that make us feel satiated and as a consequence, we eat less. In fact, if your goal is to lose weight, a paleo diet can be the key to your progress.

Balance is The Key to Weight Loss

During my years of working with people to help them achieve weight loss, I have noticed a key element that leads to permanent weight loss. That essential key is balance. When you have balance in your life, you are not overtaken by any one aspect which deters your focus from your goals. Even if your main focus is on losing weight, you must be sure to fulfill other needs in your life. Do not allow an obsession with weight loss to take over. Likewise, if you are too focused on others, you will not be able to focus your energy on what you need to do in order to lose weight.

Sometimes we become focused on reaching many goals all at once. We may have thoughts of being a perfect mother, wife, friend and employee. When we are so focused on meeting the needs of others, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves and our needs.

The key to losing weight is to have a balance between your physical health, emotional health and social responsibilities. This may seem impossible at the moment. Trust me, by bringing your life into balance you can achieve anything you set your mind to it. Throughout the day, it is important to focus on the physical, emotional and social aspects of your life.

The physical aspect refers to your overall health. This means getting enough sleep, even if you skip doing the dishes in order to sleep. In order to function properly and give your best to others and yourself, you must have the things that you physically need. These things include the proper amount of sleep, balanced eating, and any physical exercise your body needs.

Your emotional health is also very important to weight loss. Many times our eating is tied to our emotions. By promoting your emotional health, you can begin to sever those ties. This can be done in many ways throughout the day. If you are at work and need a break, close your door and take time to yourself. Writing in a journal and meditating are also great ways to improve your emotional health.

If you are like most women, you play many different social roles such as wife, mother, and friend. It is important to realize that you do not have to do it all. In fact, if you are on a weight loss journey, then doing it all is not possible. When you are so focused on doing everything you will ultimately lose track of the diet you are on. This results in the weight coming back. There are many things that can be put off until a later date. Throughout the day, pick the tasks that are going to further promote happiness for you and your family.

The last and most important step in balancing your life, which will ultimately lead to weight loss, is making time for yourself. Many women become so focused on others in their life that they forget about themselves. Do not allow this to happen to you. It is imperative that you also focus on yourself each day. This can be done by taking a few minutes to read, take a warm bath, take a walk, or do whatever activity will help you connect with yourself. Just remember that you can accomplish your goals by not trying to do everything.